6.13 survival analysis with r-statistics

 Using the Gapminder datasets provided (files attached), perform the following problems using RStudio.

Perform a Cox proportional hazard test to determine the risk factors comparing survival curves between the following groups:

Breast cancer, deaths per 100,000 women,

Cervical cancer, deaths per 100,000 women, and

Colon&Rectum cancer, deaths per 100,000 women.

Upload all three Excel spreadsheets into R Studio. (Refer to Chapter 14 in Introductory Statistics with R.)

Perform a Kaplan-Meier Log-rank test to determine the survival curve of HIV deaths in children 1-59 months (total deaths). Upload the Excel spreadsheet into R Studio.

Perform a Chi-Square analysis to determine the observed and expected distributions between Infectious TB estimated number of new cases per 100,000 and Infectious TB number of new cases per 100,000 reported. Upload both Excel spreadsheets into R Studio.

Print your work to file (pdf) or take screenshots of your submission. Present your findings in a Word document, with a title page included. Your submission should be as many pages as you need to display your findings.

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