5 Steps to a Dream Holiday Vacation 

When people talk about their dream vacation, it’s usually about the amazing places they visited, the fantastic food they ate and their glorious accommodations. But what if you could have a dream vacation even if things didn’t go exactly as planned or didn’t meet your expectations. How you approach traveling can turn the proverbial lemon into lemonade.
Here’s 5 simple steps to make any vacation your dream vacation:
Choose to make the best of a situation that doesn’t go as planned.
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It may seem strange to think of anything good coming out of a missed connection, lost luggage, or having the water go off in your hotel room. Ask yourself what is the best thing that could happen from this. You can either respond to something going wrong by getting upset and having it ruin your whole vacation, or you can go with the flow and think of how you could turn the experience into a great story.

Take yourself less seriously. Traveling to someplace where the language, food, and culture are vastly different from your own can be intimidating. Remember if you find yourself in a situation where you don’t really feel like you know what’s going on, don’t worry about it. If you make a mistake, laugh at yourself and just have fun with it. Choose to be happy and carefree.
Stay curious. Don’t be afraid of what people may think of you if you ask what seems to be a dumb question.
Ask questions and be open to what you can discover. Think about how children react to new things — they experience everything as if it’s the most amazing thing that’s ever happened. Choose to be open to the unknown and notice how your perspective can shift.
Think of your trip as an adventure. This doesn’t mean you need to do some extreme sport (unless you want to). It’s more about being willing to approach every trip as a learning experience, to being open to the possibility that every vacation can actually make you a better person. Visit out of the way places in addition to iconic tourist sites. Try new foods. Interact with the local people.
Be okay with not following The Plan. It’s good to have a plan and be prepared, but it also works to go with what might not fit with “The Plan.” Being a great traveler means you have to be flexible. Things don’t always go according to plan — and wonderful things can happen as a result. You could make a “wrong” turn and find an extraordinary view. Or the cancelled day trip that led to a day of meandering through a local neighborhood where you had the best pasta dish of your life. Or the delayed train that allowed you to have late-afternoon tea with a charming shop owner in a crowded bazaar.
What all 5 steps have in common is your ability to let go of anxiety and relax and enjoy yourself. Relieving anxiety can start with working with a travel advisor. All the planning and handling of all the details allows you to go and enjoy. We’d love to help you take all the stress out of organizing and leave all the pleasure to you. Click here to schedule a time to chat or give us a call at 800-929-9371.

Bryan Fisher


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