2. Small Group Discussion – Discussion Group 02 From CCJ4623 001 1561844 unread

2. Small Group Discussion – Discussion Group 02
From CCJ4623 001 1561844 unread replies.44 replies.
Topic – Part 1
Explore all three websites:
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) (Links to an external site.)
Uniform Crime Reporting Service (UCR) (Links to an external site.)
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) (Links to an external site.)
Which do you think is the most objective reporting tool? Use evidence from the Module content and the websites to support your response.
Topic – Part 2
Considering the three major reporting systems, discuss the importance of understanding the differences. How could the differences in the systems bring users to different conclusions? Refer to course content to support your response.
Add your initial post early in the week, in order to significantly contribute to the discussion.
After you post an original response, you will have access to the posts of your classmates.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues before the deadline. Refer to Module 2 content to support your comments. Access to the discussion will close at the deadline; no late submissions will be possible.
Refer to the attached rubric for grading. (Click the Settings icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Discussion assignment.)

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