1. Why In In The Current Modern Trade, The Integration Of Economic Affairs From Design To Completion Is An Important Priority To Every Manufacturing Companies,2. Define The Parties Involved Directly And Indirectly In Supply Chain And Their Role For Smooth

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page. Students must mention question number clearly in their answer. Late submission will NOT be accepted. Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.psychology essay: nursing essay help
I’m trying to study for my Psychology course and I need some help to understand this question.

Imagine that you have just received 75% on a test in a class that you care about a lot. You don’t have the entire distribution or even the mean for the class, and you won’t be able to ask the professor for them until after the weekend is over. You will, however, have the chance to ask some of your friends or acquaintances in the class about their scores. 1) Who will you ask and why? 2) What if you don’t care about the class? Who, if anyone, will you choose? 3) What is social comparison theory? 4) What are the conditions under which people will care about making social comparisons, and what are the conditions under which they won’t care? 5) What are the conditions under which people will tend to make upward comparisons, downward comparisons, and comparisons to similar others? 6) Provide personal examples of times that you made an upward comparison, a downward comparison, and a comparison to similar others. Your examples cannot involve class grades. (approximately 2 pages, typed and double spaced, not including references)Security Audits Task 3
I need an explanation for this Computer Science question to help me study.

Task3 rubric is attached.

It wouldn’t let me copy and paste this time so I attached all the requirementssummary of magazine article on sociological concept
I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance.

Paper #1:Magazine article summary:

This summary should be 2–3 pages long and must have a copy of the article attached to the summary or send the link.Be aware that sending the link does not count as proper APA documentation.MAKE sure to send the complete APA citation. Failure to send the link AND/OR include a Reference page WILL result in a “0” for the assignment.

1. Select 1 magazine article dealing with any sociological concept or issue. The article may be selected only from: Newsweek, Time Magazine, National Geographic, or US News and World Report.

2. Summarize the main points of the article using your own words

3. Identify the sociological concepts that are involved in the article you select

4. Give your thoughts on the implication these concepts are having, or will have on our society.

5. Explain what interested you about the article and/ or what you learned.

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