1. What does Prof. Ceas say about art in the contemporary context?  How does it

1. What does Prof. Ceas say about art in the contemporary context?  How does it relate to her concept of “metamodernism?”  How does metamodernism compare with “postmodernism”?

Choose two of the artist statements . To what degree do these statements help illuminate the actual artistic production and creative vision of the artist in question?  Explain.  It is advised you find a link to at least one painting of each of these artists and cite it for illustration.  You can find images corresponding to each artist by going to images.google.com (Links to an external site.) and entering their names as search terms.
artist statements:
Jackson Pollock, 22
Mark Rothko, 26
Robert Motherwell, 26
Joan Mitchell, 31
Cy Twombly, 34
Tadeusz Kantor, 58
Charles Biederman, 81
Kenneth Noland, 92
Interview, 94
Susan Rothenberg, 263
Julian Schnabel, 266
Krzysztof Wodisczko, 424
Douglas Davis, 437
Shigeko Kubota, 443
Joseph Cornell, 509
Robert Smithson, 530
Robert Irwin, 572
James Turrell
Mario Merz. 671
Yoko Ono, 736
Herman Nitsch, 747
James Luna, 799
Marcel Duchamp, 817
Henry Flynt, 820 
total 2 pages

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