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Home » 1. Determinism vs. Indeterminism D’Holbach or Popper, pick either philosopher,

1. Determinism vs. Indeterminism D’Holbach or Popper, pick either philosopher,

    1. Determinism vs. Indeterminism
    D’Holbach or Popper, pick either philosopher, state his position, as well as the argument given in support of that position. Include the main objections, as well as any possible replies.
    2. Gettier Examples
    Explain the classical analysis of knowledge C.A.K (JTB), then, using a Gettier example, show why some believe that Justified True Belief isn’t sufficient for knowledge.
    3. Agrippa’s Trilemma
    Agrippa’s Trilemma is used to show that in the end, none of our belief’s can ever be justified, and therefore we can never have knowledge. Foundational Internalism, Coherentism, and Abduction are three positions which aim to avoid the trilemma. Explain how the trilemma works, then pick one of these three positions and explain how it attempts to avoid the consequence of Agrippa’s Trilemma (of course, be sure to raise and respond to any objection to that position).
    4. Art critics are people too, (sort of)? – Answer both parts.
    A) Explain how Han Van Meegeren used forgery in order to force art critics into a dilemma, be sure to explain the dilemma.
    B) How would someone like Susan Sontag respond to this dilemma?
    5. The Doctrine of Temporal Parts
    Due to the problem of change, it’s possible that you literally aren’t the same person you were yesterday, let alone on the day you were born. Using the doctrine of temporal parts, explain how a perdurantist could conclude that despite the significant amount of change you have gone through during your lifetime, you are in fact the same person you were the day you were born.

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