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Home » We have discussed several areas of business in this class. For this assignment

We have discussed several areas of business in this class. For this assignment

    We have discussed several areas of business in this class. For this assignment watch two presentations of Shark Tank. Please choose a presentation where a deal was made and choose a presentation that was rejected by the sharks. Please discuss the aspects of the deal (how much money the entrepreneur neededand how much equity they were willing to give up).
    The 4 P’s of marketing (price, product, promotion, and place) – discuss the product or service from each aspect.
    If the presentations were professional and effective. Does the product or service meet a need in the marketplace?
    On the deal that was accepted, did the entrepreneur get what he/she asked for and do you feel that the deal was fair?
    On the deal that was rejected, we have discussed in class why businesses fail, where did the entrepreneur fail (managerial incompetence, regulations, weak control systems, neglect and insufficient capital) and what enhancements you believe could have been done to get a deal?
    If you were ‘Shark’ and had the money to invest in a business would you have invested in the products or services that you watched?
    Anything you found interesting about the episode.
    Assignment Requirements:
    • 12 point text size, Times New Roman or Arial Font
    • Double-spaced, 3 pages, 1” margins
    • Proper APA Formatting (APA Title Page, Abstract/Keywords, Running Head, Page Numbers, in-text citations, punctuation & grammar, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, APA Reference Page.
    • Eliminate: contractions (can’t, wouldn’t, didn’t, etc.), first person (I, we, us, my, etc.)
    • Minimum of three separate references not including the case study.

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