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Sam’s Club – Who Has the Responsibility?

    Celia Swanson was the first female executive vice president at Walmart Inc. She’s held top leadership positions with both Walmart and Sam’s Club.
    “During my tenure as executive vice president of Walmart, I hired a brilliant strategist to create a marketing strategy for the Sam’s Club division. Her results were powerful; the campaign was simple yet highly relevant. We became friendly, and I considered the hire a success until one of the team members approached me.
    It turned out the strategist had been incredibly hostile with her colleagues, making them feel marginalized and worthless. This had gone on for more than a year, and many on the team were considering leaving…
    The team’s hesitancy to speak up allowed the toxicity to continue unabated. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of every individual — no matter their org-chart status — to step up and lead by example in a toxic workplace culture.”
    (Source: Swanson, C. Harvard Business Review. 2019)
    Please create a thread and post 2 paragraphs in this Discussion Forum. Include the following.
    1st paragraph: As a top executive at Walmart, how would you manage and empower employees under your marketing leadership with regard to excelling at their individual roles while making ethically responsible decisions? ? What would you say and do? Use concepts from the textbook, materials at Blackboard, and Dr. Siqueira’a video.
    2nd paragraph – What are the underlying values that drove your position? What is your reasoning, which you could share with employees and stakeholders, to justify your policies? Use concepts from the textbook, materials at Blackboard, and Dr. Siqueira’a video.

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